I’ve Got the Power Video-Campanha 25 Anos de Eco-Escolas

Em 2019 o Programa Eco-Escolas celebra 25 anos de excelência no âmbito da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Esta campanha tem como objetivo envolver toda a rede Eco-Escolas – alunos, professores, comunidade escolar, voluntários, ONGs e entidades parceiras – no envio da seguinte mensagem à comunidade mundial:
Basta uma ideia partilhada em voz alta para comprometer os nossos líderes políticos a adoptar acções positivas!


Começa a pensar numa ideia, qualquer dúvida fala com os professores, Madalena Coelho, Teresa Rodrigues ou Victor Martins
Esta campanha decorre entre os dias 11 de março e 3 de maio; sincronizadas com o Global Action Days (15-22 de Abril)
As regras para participação podem ser consultadas no site internacional AQUI
  • vídeo em qualquer língua-  se não for em inglês a mensagem deve ser traduzida
  • duração do vídeo 15 a 60 segundos
  • formato vertical (telemóvel)
  • usar frases como :  If I was the Prime MinisterI would …/ If I was the President of my countryI would …;If I was a Superhero I would …:Every day I … (positive action description)-
  • Mensagens chave:
Our legacy
In 2019, the Eco-Schools programme entered its 25thyear of engaging young people in taking positive actions that transform them for life. Eco-Schoolsaims at providing every child with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future by integrating priority sustainable development issues into teaching and learning. The video campaign is an opportunity to showcase the quality and depth of learning through Eco-Schools and make verbal commitments to sustainable development.Keywords: legacy; education; sustainable future;
25 years
Our global networkOver the years the programme has grown to have an outreach of over52,000 schools in 68 countries that engage 19 million students,who are supported by 1.4 million teachers.All of usare part ofa great and growing global sustainability movement!Keywords: global network; 52,000 schools; 19 million students; 1.4 million teachers
Eco-Schools hand in hand with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the enormous challenges before humanity, there is an important need for takingpositive action. Our images of the future define and limit our performance. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide us with a vision of our common future. They set before us an Agenda to engage with for asustainable Earth. ESD has the power to help more people share the same positive image of the future we want. The role of any Quality Education is to prepare for the societal norms and needs. The SDGs agreed by all the nations are a societal expectation on how we would like to seethe development of humanity in harmony with other life forms on Earth.Keywords: SDGs; Education for Sustainable Development; education; positive action


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